Monday, 3 June 2013

And I thought I loved you then

About a week before the date of our wedding, I was in the car driving to work and this song came on the radio. ( )  It was one I had only heard a few times, never before John brought it to my attention in the weeks leading up to our wedding.  The moment I heard the song and listened to the lyrics it brought tears to my eyes.  Needless to say that sunny morning I found myself bawling on my way to work.  I was picturing myself walking down the aisle toward a man who time and time again has told me how much he loves me.
The next week on a sunny afternoon John and I heard this song together along with 65 of the most special people in our lives.
“I remember trying not to stare the night that I first met you…I hadn’t told you yet, I thought I loved you then.  Now you’re my whole life…We’ve come so far since that day and I thought I loved you then…”
This song spoke about our love in volumes.  It described a love that grew over time; a love that existed almost immediately and surpassed its own expectations time and time again.

On a fall day in September of 2000 John and I met and that day I had a feeling we would share something very special.  Our lives took many turns, and beyond each bend we looked back and saw the moments in which our love flourished.  I am not saying our journey was perfect.  There were times that were not just difficult they were down-right HARD.

So nearly 13 years later on March 16, 2013 John and I shared our vows to each other amidst the love of friends and family.   These words are the lyrics of our own love story.

I promise to support you and to encourage you.
I promise to fight with you but to never walk away.
I love that you want to change the world for the better one day at a time.
I promise to put us first always.
I will tell you that I love you each day.
I vow to take risks with you and never settle for less than we deserve.

These vows were promises we made to each other promises that said to each other that I (we) will do what we need to do to ensure that when we look back we will say “I thought I loved you then”.


  1. So eloquent Wendy :) Thanks for sharing this.

  2. Lovely words about a beautiful relationship. Congratulations!!
